C O N C R E T T A  W S

T H E  A R T  O F  C O N C R E T E


microcement bathroom


It is packaged in 5 - 10 - 25 kg.
The package is shipped with all the consumables required for the application.
Concretta WS is available in a variety of colours.
It is a modern and fast solution for showers, bathrooms, pools and furniture.
It can be applied on ceramics, plaster or paint.
It does not require professional application skills or tools.
Application tools are steel trowel and spatula.

F O R  Y O U R  O R D E R S :

Bathroom walls and floors re-created with Concretta;

It is an innovative product that will successfully replace tiles and is easier to apply than other materials. It is a quick solution as it will be applied on the subfloor. It does not need to be broken down and will not cause construction pollution. Concretta is now the new trend in bathrooms.

Concrete-look finish has been reigning in interior design as the hottest bathroom trend for some time now. In addition to its stylish appearance, we can talk about its durability, ease of application and cleaning. Dirt and soap deposits do not collect on its seamless and smooth surface, which has no joints. With its waterproof feature, it can even be applied inside shower cabins.

Interior design is more than planning the functional design of your space. Choose a look that reflects your personality to create an interior you love living in.

Application examples and color options for using Concretta in bathrooms are below;

C O N T A C T 

Küçükyalı Mahallesi, Şevkiçavuş Sokak.
No: 2-13 Maltepe / İstanbul 
T; +90 216 706 97 73

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